Saturday, 17 September 2016

Second timeline analysis

Second timeline analysis evaluation

For my second timeline analysis I analysed the first 30 seconds of "The Nice Guys," trailer. This is because this links to my first pitch, and one of my ideas which is buddy-cop action comedy.
Like the last timeline I went through the first 30 seconds of the trailer and took note all of the shots that were used. I observed that the trailer uses establishing shots, close shots, medium shots, long shots, reaction shots, over the shoulder shots, wide shots, eye line match shots and logos.
Although at this stage I think I am going to go with the horror parody idea, if I were to make in this genre I could make sure to refer to these shots as I made it. For example, starting with an establishing shot to build atmosphere and to identify time and place (this is important for "The Nice Guys," as it is set in Los Angeles in the 70's), and using long shots, close shots, and medium shots throughout. Like in my previous timeline analysis, I feel all of these shots are exploited in the trailer to make it more visually dynamic and exciting. If I were to make in this genre, I think I would make use of all three as it is quite an "exciting," genre.
In this trailer the logos are used quite close to the start as well, starting at the 18 second mark and finishing on the 20 second mark. They are quick and snappy and fit with the tone of the trailer. This is another thing I could think about if I were to make in this genre. There are also quite a lot of reaction shots used. I think this helps to build the comedic side of the film, as showing the characters reactions to strange events and occurrences is comedic, not only making the audience laugh but also giving them a key sense of how the film will play out. This is an important convention of a trailer, as the audience will want to know what they are paying money to see.

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