Monday, 24 April 2017

Evaluation question 3

What have you learnt from your audience feedback?

Audience feedback is an important part of the production process as it allows for different opinions and viewpoints on how your production plays out. Having a range of different perspectives is helpful as it gives you as the film-maker an insight into how other people perceive your product and what they like/dislike about it. Without this audience feedback, the film-maker may not notice mistakes or they may perceive things as being better than they actually are, which is why audience feedback is important in order to overcome these things.

When conducting the audience feedback I considered Stuart Hall's reception theory. This theory states that the audience will read texts differently, and will either conform to the preferred reading, the negotiated reading or the oppositional reading of a text. When conducting my questionnaires and interview, I considered these different options. For example, with my first survey question where I ask what the costume of my villain should be, I had a preferred reading (the pig mask), a negotiated reading (the wolf mask), and an oppositional reading (not having a mask.) After telling the people who were taking the questionnaire what the plot of the trailer was and what would happen, as well as showing them the locations and a couple of test shots, they "read," what they saw, so to speak, and decided whether they agreed with my ideas or not. I therefore feel that the reception theory can be applied to this questionnaire.

With the video below, I have outlined the results of my questionnaires, while also going into detail on the interview I did with another student, and the outcomes of both the interview and the questionaires on my product.

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